Senate Reply
To John Adams from Jacob Read,
28 November 1797
The communications you thought proper to make in your speech to both Houses of Congress, on the opening of their present session, afford additional proofs of the attention, integrity, and firmness, which have always marked your official character.
We cannot but approve of the measures you had taken to ascertain the state and decline of the contagious sickness, which has so lately afflicted the city of Philadelphia; and the pleasing circumstances that Congress is now assembled at that place, without hazard to the health of its members, evinces the propriety of your having postpone a determination to convene the National Legislature at another place. We shall take into consideration the law of 1794, on this subject, and will readily concur in any amendment which may be deemed expedient.
It would have given us much pleasure to have received your congratulations on the re-establishment of peace in Europe, and the restoration of security to the persons and property of our citizens from injustice and violence at sea. But, though these events, so desirable to our country and the world, have not taken place, yet, we have abundant cause of gratitude to the Great Disposer of human events, for interior tranquillity and personal security, for propitious seasons, prosperous agriculture, productive fisheries, and general improvement; and, above all, for a rational spirit of civil and religious liberty, and a calm but steady determination to support our sovereignty against all open and secret attacks.
We learn, with satisfaction, that our envoys extraordinary to the French Republic had safely arrived in Europe, and were proceeding to the scene of negotiation; and, whatever may be the result of the mission, we are perfectly satisfied that nothing on your part has been omitted, which could, in any way, conduce to a successful conclusion of the negotiation, upon terms compatible with the safety, honor, and interest, of the United States; and we are fully convinced that, in the mean time, a manifestation of that unanimity and energy of which the People of the United States have given such memorable proofs, and a proper exertion of those resources of national defence, which we possess, will essentially contribute to the preservation of peace and the attainment of justice.
We think, sir, with you, that the commerce of the United States is essential to the growth, comfort, and prosperity, of our country; and that the faith of society is pledged for the preservation of the rights of commercial and sea-faring, no less than of other citizens. And even if our negotiation with France should terminate favorably, and the war in Europe cease, yet the state of society, which unhappily prevails in so great a portion of the world, and the experience of past times, under better circumstances, unite in warning us that a commerce so extensive, and which holds out so many temptations to lawless plunderers, can never be safe without protection; and we hold ourselves obliged, by every tie of duty which binds us to our constituents, to promote and concur in such measures of marine defence, as may convince our merchants and seamen that their rights are not sacrificed, nor their injuries forgotten.
We regret, that, notwithstanding the clear and explicit terms of the treaty between the United States and his Catholic Majesty, the Spanish garrisons are not yet withdrawn from our territory, nor the running of the boundary line commenced. The United States have been faithful in the performance of their obligations to Spain, and had reason to expect a compliance equally prompt on the part of that Power. We still, however, indulge the hope that the convincing answers, which have been given to the objections stated by the Spanish officers, to the immediate execution of the treaty, will have their proper effect; and that this treaty, so mutually beneficial to the contracting parties, will be finally observed with good faith. We therefore entirely approve of your determination to continue in readiness to receive the posts, and to run the lines of partition between our territory and that of the King of Spain.
Attempts to alienate the affections of the Indians; to form them into a confederacy, and to excite them to actual hostility against the United States; whether made by foreign agents, or by others, are so injurious to our interests at large, and so inhuman with respect to our citizens inhabiting the adjacent territory, as to deserve the most exemplary punishment; and we will cheerfully afford our aid in framing a law, which may prescribe a punishment adequate to the commission of crimes so heinous.
The several objects you have pointed out to the attention of the Legislature, whether they regard our internal or external relations, shall receive from us that consideration which they merit; and we will readily concur in all such measures as may be necessary, either to enable us to fulfil our engagements at home, or to cause ourselves to be respected abroad. And, at this portentous period, when the Powers of Europe, with whom we are connected by treaty or commerce, are in so critical a situation, and when the conduct of some of those Powers towards the United States is so hostile and menacing, the several branches of the Government are, in our opinion, called upon, with peculiar importunity, to unite, and, by union, not only to devise and carry into effect those measures on which the safety and prosperity of our country depend, but also to undeceive those nations who, regarding us as a weak and divided people, have pursued systems of aggression inconsistent with a state of peace between independent nations. And, sir, we beg leave to assure you, that we derive a singular consolation from the reflection that, at such a time, the executive part of our government has been committed to your hands: for, in your integrity, talents, and firmness, we place the most entire confidence.
Jacob Read,
President of the Senate pro tempore.
House Reply
To John Adams from United States House of Representatives, 29 November 1797
While our sympathy is excited by the recent sufferings of the citizens of Philadelphia, we participate in the satisfaction which you are pleased to express, that the duration of the late calamity was so limited as to render unnecessary the expense and inconvenience that would have been incident to the convention of Congress in another place; and we shall readily attend to every useful amendment to the law, which contemplates the event of contagious sickness at the seat of Government.
In lamenting the increase of the injuries offered to the persons and property of our citizens at sea, we gratefully acknowledge the continuance of interior tranquillity, and the attendant blessings of which you remind us, as alleviations of these fatal effects of injustice and violence.
Whatever may be the result of the mission to the French republic, your early and uniform attachment to the interest of our country; your important services in the struggle for its independence; and your unceasing exertions for its welfare, afford no room to doubt of the sincerity of your efforts to conduct the negotiation to a successful conclusion, on such terms as may be compatible with the safety, honor, and interest, of the United States. We have also a firm reliance upon the energy and unanimity of the People of these States, in the assertion of their rights, and on their determination to exert, upon all proper occasions, their ample resources in providing for the national defence.
The importance of commerce, and its beneficial influence upon agriculture, arts, and manufactures, have been verified in the growth and prosperity of our country. It is essentially connected with the other great interests of the community. They must flourish and decline together; and while the extension of our navigation and trade naturally excites the jealousy, and tempts the avarice of other nations, we are firmly persuaded, that the numerous and deserving class of citizens engaged in these pursuits, and dependent on them for their subsistence, has a strong and indisputable claim to our support and protection.
The delay of the Spanish officers to fulfil the treaty existing with his Catholic Majesty, is a source of deep regret. We learn, however, with satisfaction, that you still indulge hopes of removing the objections which have been made to its execution, and that you have continued in readiness to receive the posts. Disposed to perform, with fidelity, our national engagements, nothing shall be wanting, on our part, to obtain the same justice from others, which we exercise towards them.
Our abhorrence cannot be too strongly expressed, of the intrigues of foreign agents to alienate the affections of the Indians, and to rouse them to acts of hostility against the United States. No means in our power should be omitted, of providing for the suppression of such cruel practices, and for the adequate punishment of their atrocious authors.
Upon the other interesting subjects noticed in your address, we shall bestow the requisite attention. To preserve inviolable the public faith, by providing for the due execution of our treaties; to indemnify those who may have just claims to retribution upon the United States, for expenses incurred in defending the property and relieving the necessities of our unfortunate fellow-citizens; to guard against evasions of the laws intended to secure advantages to the navigation of our own vessels; and especially to prevent, by all possible means, an unnecessary accumulation of the public debt, are duties which we shall endeavor to keep in view, and discharge with assiduity.
We regard, with great anxiety, the singular and portentous situation of the principal Powers of Europe. It were devoutly to be wished, that the United States, remote from this seat of war and discord; unambitious of conquests; respecting the rights of other nations; and desirous merely to avail themselves of their natural resources, might be permitted to behold the scenes which desolate that quarter of the globe, with only those sympathetic emotions which are natural to the lovers of peace, and friends of the human race. But we are led, by events, to associate with these feelings a sense of the dangers which menace our security and peace. We rely upon your assurances of a zealous and hearty concurrence in such measures as may be necessary to avert these dangers; and nothing on our part shall be wanting to repel them, which the honor, safety, and prosperity, of our country may require.